Thursday, January 30, 2014

DIY Moroccan Stencil

I have loved the look of Moroccan stenciling for a long time, however I never dreamed I could do it myself.
Until one day one of my very best friends send me a picture of her new project. She had the brilliant idea to print off a stencil and paint the pattern on solid color curtains. I don't have the actual picture of her curtains but I found  this picture that shows what an awesome idea she had.

Thanks to my lovely friend I was inspired to try my own stenciling with some extra paint we had in the basement. I started in the bathroom and then moved to the laundry room. Don't mind the piles of laundry ;) I obviously had my priorities in order when I was painting before doing laundry :) 

So that's it, you pour yourself a drink, put on some music a paint any room you want with this awesome little stencil. 
I just went to Google and typed in free Moroccan stencil and printed out one that I liked. I then traced it onto the cardboard of a diaper box so it would be a bit more durable.  I traced it on the wall first with a crayon... Ha, I would have used a pencil but of course I couldn't find a pencil so a crayon it was. Have fun adding a little exotic touch to any corner of your home. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'll stick to snowy Colorado

As I start my first official blog I felt there was so much pressure to write something really great and start off with a bang. Ha! Things never work like that do they?
So I thought I would start off with what was really on mind....the Bahamas. I know, I know, it's almost cruel to think of warm tropical beaches when the high this week in Greeley will be a balmy 30 degrees. 
Getting back to the Bahamas, about 3 months ago I overheard my husband talking to a coworker about this "trip" not thinking much of it, I asked Luis what this trip conversation was all about. Typical Luis response was, " oh it's nothing, we just might win a trip to the Bahamas in February. "  WHAT??!!!  You would have thought the man was telling me to go buy stamps or something with the lack of enthusiasm in his voice.  But being the persistent wife that I am, I cornered him to find out all about this free trip. Long story short it turns our that the top managers of the Chase banks in the country go on a all-expense paid trip.
I hate to admit it but I started thinking... Yes we deserve this. Luis puts in 60hr weeks, drives 2 hrs. a day, we live paycheck to paycheck so Chase owes us this. Of course at the moment I didn't think I was being selfish, I mostly never think I'm in the wrong in the moment.
As a few days passed it was becoming clear that Luis had a very good chance at winning the trip, and as I started to mentally prepare myself for a week long romantic getaway with my husband on a tropical beach, something happened.
I got that nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach as I thought about my baby girls, imagining an entire week away from them. Realizing that I didn't want to be away from them that long and definitely not that far I told Luis how I was feeling. Luis knew what I was going to say before I said it, (does the guy know me or what?) and to my surprise he felt the same way. So I did was any sane woman would do, I prayed that we wouldn't win the trip to the Bahamas.
 ( I know that if anyone is reading this right now you are probably rolling your eyes at me, and rightly so.) Our girls would be in excellent care with grandparents or friends, however my heart just wasn't ready.
I love how God is a God who cares about the little things, the things that wouldn't make sense to anyone else but how he understands and knows us better than we know ourselves.
Thankfully Luis didn't win the trip, he was 1 point away. So, even though we wont be going to the Bahamas on a romantic vacation, we will be spending our first night away from the kids in March and we are really excited about it. Mostly because its in Denver, and its only a 24hr vacation but for this mommy heart that is the perfect first step and I'm pretty sure God knew that all along.